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LuckyThrillz Casino Welcome Bonus and Spins

LuckyThrillz Casino offers a thrilling welcome package for every new player. You will receive a 100% match up bonus up to €200, when you make your first deposit of modest €10. In addition, Lucky Thrillz will reward you with 100 free spins to use over the course of three days.

  • Upon your first deposit you will receive 20 free spins
  • Another 40 spins upon the second deposit
  • Additional 40 spins upon depositing on you third day

The LuckyThrillz minimum amount of deposit to receive the bonus on your second and third day is €20. Also, we must mention that bonuses that require deposits must meet the wagering requirement of 35 times.

Terms and conditions:

  • When you open new account, you have the option of not receiving the LuckyThrillz welcome bonus, by clicking ‘later’ at the end of registration process.
  • Spins are given as follows: 20 Spins and 100% bonus upon first deposit. Another LuckyThrillz 40 Spins are given upon deposit on the second day after the first deposit 20€, and an additional 40 Spins are given upon deposit on the third day 20€.
  • Bonuses that LuckyThrillz require deposit, have to be wagered 35x. Unused spins expires 24hrs after being issued. In order to cash out winnings won with a no deposit bonus, at least one deposit must have been made.
  • The LuckyThrillz “Welcome bonus” is limited to one bonus per household.
  • The LuckyThrillz  “Welcome bonus” may not be used in conjunction with any other bonus, promotion or offer.
  • The LuckyThrillz  “Welcome bonus” must be wagered at luckythrillz within 21 days of being credited to your account. luckythrillz reserves the right, at any time, to revoke any welcome bonus not used within the allotted time period.
  • Please note that in the interests of fair gaming, we require you to have wagered a minimum of 35 times the sum of your welcome bonus before cashing out any winnings. Wagering requirements T&Cs apply (see here)
  • Unless stated otherwise by LuckyThrillz , the non-deposit bonus is available to new players only (players who have not received this bonus before).
  • Any and all LuckyThrillz  Spins bonus(es) shall be subject to the standard bonus policy detailed hereby.
  • Bets on different games contribute differently to the compliance of the wagering requirements: Wagering – Bonus Policy



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